Stock prices tumbled yesterday amid new concerns about higher interest rates and a resurgence of inflation.
The shares tumbled 9.9 to 50.1p amid talk that the company needs cash to shore up its US life operations.
I threw out my arms and wheeled and tumbled amid the stars.
Crude oil tumbled amid reports of weaker-than-expected demand and concern that Kuwait will flood the market.
The price of cattle, hogs and pork products tumbled amid expectations that demand for meat would continue to fall.
Cotton futures prices tumbled amid speculation the Government would raise its 1992 harvest estimate.
Crude oil prices tumbled amid concerns that higher interest rates will slow economic growth and energy demand.
Crude oil prices tumbled amid speculation that political unrest in Nigeria would ease.
We tumbled out of the car amid clouds of billowing smoke.
Oil prices tumbled amid talks on the resumption of crude exports from Iraq.