American's stock, which reached a high of $107 a share in 1989, tumbled during this period and has yet to recover completely.
Lee had seen the pistol tumble away during the fall, so he kicked himself free and stood in ankle-deep water.
With that kind of effort, the wall tumbles during the finale.
Onlookers saw cascades of water tumbling from the building's east facade during the firefighting.
But, as profits tumble during the recession, so do contributions.
Mr. Johnson, 39, cannot forget all the seizures that have sent him tumbling to the floor of Room 106 during the past three years.
The empire might have tumbled down in 1956, during the Hungarian revolt.
Many runners take twice as long, and each year several end up with broken bones after tumbling during the hell-bent descent.
Ito collided with another skater in practice, tumbled out of the rink during her original program and still ranked third behind the Americans.
In one infamous case a 23-year-old man tumbled 18 stories to his death during an apartment raid.