Tests since then yielded yesterday's report that a cancerous tumor is blocking the bile ducts in his liver.
For unknown reasons, as men age non-cancerous tumors frequently enlarge the prostate and can block the flow of urine through the urethra.
The tumor blocked the return air flow and he started turning bluish-purple.
The tumour is blocking one of her kidneys now.
When the tumour blocks it, she'll go to sleep.
Additionally, tumors and kidney stones can block the urethra.
If the tumor is blocking the stomach but the cancer cannot be completely removed by standard surgery, the following procedures may be used:
When a tumor blocks the pathway of the cerebrospinal fluid, this will cause headaches in the patient.
In such conditions as stomach cancer, tumours may partly block the pyloric canal.
Replace a regular colonoscopy if the thin lighted scope cannot be inserted in the colon for some reason, such as when a tumor blocks the passage.