As of 2005, approximately 90% of prostate cancers detected are clinically localized and have more favorable tumor characteristics or grades than the pre-PSA screening era.
The scientists collected information on age, level of education, marital status, ZIP code, height, weight, tumor characteristics and other diseases.
Detailed information on tumor characteristics, treatment regimens and survival were available from a database maintained by the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group.
Retrospective studies have shown the following examples of tumor characteristics to correlate with a greater likelihood of finding persistent tumor on re-excision:
Evidence suggests that particular tumor characteristics may predict anthracycline-responsiveness.
Therapy of choice is determined by previous treatments and tumor characteristics.
Other factors that may predispose of lymphocele development are preoperative radiation therapy, heparin prophylaxis (used to prevent deep vein thrombosis), and tumor characteristics.
Klintmalm GB: Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: a registry report of the impact of tumor characteristics on outcome.
In addition to chemotherapy, trastuzumab may also be added to the regimen depending on the tumor characteristics (i.e. HER2/neu status) and risk of relapse.
Regional or distant metastatic disease is documented on initial pathology in only 3% to 8% of patients; thus, an attempt has been made to identify tumor characteristics associated with future malignant behavior.