After his outbreak, he simply arranged to have the tumors removed, and then switched to a different clinic.
With tumor and ureter removed, there is no need for further treatment like chemotherapy.
She had the kidney containing the tumour removed and continued to work as a Member of Parliament while undergoing subsequent chemotherapy.
But the findings should prompt African-American patients to assiduously pursue follow-up care, even for tumors removed early, he said.
Allen went on a medical leave of absence on Tuesday and will go to Seattle next week to have the tumors removed.
A couple of weeks ago they operated, removed a tumor and part of her liver.
She underwent surgery to have the tumor removed, followed by chemotherapy and radiation.
He had decided to do everything possible to return to baseball after having a tumor removed from his pitching arm last October.
A biopsy may be done and the tumor removed during the same surgery.
In early 2012, The Independent reported that Roy battled with cancer and had a tumor removed.