The decision came after five days of heated and sometimes tumultuous debate on the campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
The House vote, 221 to 208, came after a tumultuous debate on one of the hottest issues in this year's elections.
I politics and social policy, the absence of controversy sometimes tells us much more about our world than the most tumultuous public debate.
The recommendations were the latest in a tumultuous four-year debate over the value of mammograms for women in this age group.
This article initiated a torrent of tumultuous debate about which neurons, if any, could fit the new, more rigorous definition proposed by Kupfermann and Weiss.
The vote tonight followed a long, tumultuous debate in which Democrats denounced the legislation as a sham, providing less protection to patients than to health insurance companies.
Recalling the tumultuous Congressional debate last year over Federal financing of the arts.
The measure resulted in an especially tumultuous debate in the usually staid upper house, providing a challenge to Charbonneau to maintain decorum.
Yet in fact the organization has periodically been shaken by tumultuous internal debate over its identity.
But tumultuous debates over taxes, abortion and other matters took up much of his time.