Something she hadn't seen since the tumultuous events of the previous day.
The couple said they were surprised, however, over the tumultuous events of the last six weeks.
He had been an utter fool to have let the tumultuous events of the past few years interfere with their relationship.
Her time in the women's 500-meter sprint also set a world record and helped make amends for the tumultuous events surrounding the team last week.
Exhausted from the tumultuous events of the past twenty-four hours, she had hoped to sleep until I was ready for her.
He said he was not touched by the tumultuous events in his career.
Sharon and Nick was finally solid in their marriage again, after two years of tumultuous events.
She had lived through many difficult times and tumultuous events.
No further failures occurred until September 2008, a month that saw tumultuous events for money funds.
I needed time to sort through the tumultuous events, and so I left.