He is a person who governed during an extremely tumultuous and important period.
However, most of these factories closed during a tumultuous period for the city from the late 1980s and late 1990s.
Still, this was a tumultuous period in American art history.
The agreement follows a tumultuous period in the advertising industry.
Filming there was a tumultuous period, starting with the fact that the tank had not actually been finished.
During the early 2000s, the school went through a tumultuous period.
The story follows them as they undergo a tumultuous period in their childhood.
They remained together until 1986, giving American one of the most stable management teams in the industry during a tumultuous period.
However, the 17th century, and the beginning of the 18th, were tumultuous periods in Scottish history.
After a tumultuous period this community got a strong foothold.