By this time, the giant jet plane had traveled a long way from the turbulent area, and the air remained still and calm.
The town lies in North Morazn, one of the most turbulent areas of El Salvador.
Her printed pronouncements were widely distributed in the turbulent areas; they were read on the public squares and from the parish pulpits.
But with the addition of dimples, which cause even more turbulence, the turbulent area starts further back along the ball and is smaller, so it causes less drag.
But as bad as things have become, American and Iraqi forces retain some degree of control in even the most turbulent areas.
They are commonly seen gathered in slightly turbulent areas of water called a riffle.
It's a vortex, a turbulent area where opposing electromagnetic fields overlap.
"Do you think that the turbulent area where the two pockets join is going to be confusing enough that they might lose the scent?"
Ascending amidst the turbulent area is an elongated thermal anomaly that looks a bit like an inverted fiery raindrop.
This eliminates abrupt corners that cause turbulent areas.