But the Oregon case, by giving adoptees absolute rights to their records even if birth mothers never sought contact, set off a turbulent debate over whose rights should take precedence.
The ruling unleashed a turbulent debate over capital punishment in a society with one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
In the turbulent debate about German unification, West Germany's intellectuals reflect a national mood of confusion - a profoundly troubled mix of anticipation, anxiety and resentment.
He also said that the outburst had to be taken in the context of his contribution during the debate that day as well as a very turbulent and heated debate the previous night.
In the turbulent debate that followed, the king's supporters accused Lacković for treason in Battle of Nicopolis.
The conflation of these two completely distinct hypotheses has merely served to muddy the waters still further in the already turbulent and confused debate between Keynesians and new classicals.
It was sent to the House of Assembly where it generated prolonged turbulent debate and highly politicised controversy.
Yet for all the turbulent debate surrounding the issue of gambling, in some ways it is only the latest version of an old conversation.
As the conservative party prepares itself for a turbulent debate on Europe tomorrow, many of them will be turning to the work of a Cotswold publisher for guidance.