He participated in the turbulent events of his father's rise.
With the increase in stature came an added pressure, which was often magnified by the turbulent events of her private life.
And it is too soon to say whether the day's tone was merely a respite after turbulent events of this month.
This message was given during the turbulent events of the Lord's last week before the cross".
Sava Mutkurov also played an important part in the turbulent events of 1886.
Neither that nor any of the later turbulent events prompted him to leave.
It played an important role in the turbulent events of the peninsula in the late 7th century.
These turbulent events induced the slow decline of many species on land and sea.
The story is about a 17-year-old boy who becomes a drug dealer, the decision that draws him into turbulent events he can't control.
"We see people getting injured in turbulent events because they're not restrained."