She visualized an Erb with rotating propeller-leaves, moving so rapidly it left a turbulent wake in the water.
The boat's turbulent wake added to her troubles, as the Hauph-woa took advantage of its chance to flee.
The studies show a turbulent wake behind the spinning ball.
Energy lost in the turbulent wake of a golf ball causes drag, the book explains.
Suddenly an enormous wave was above me, curling, collapsing, dragging me down into its turbulent wake.
This corresponds to the point where the flow pattern changes, leaving a narrower turbulent wake.
Devin did not see anything; he felt as if he were churning along in the turbulent wake of information.
In sailfishing, the boat's engine sound and turbulent wake may be the biggest lure of all.
Thus the residual vortices of the street form coherent structures in the turbulent intermediate wake.
The last thunder is a turbulent, muddy wake, and murk of non-visual, tactile man.