After the 19th and early 20th century wild turkey populations dropped significantly because of hunting and habitat loss.
After being hunted to near extinction, the country's wild turkey population is now in the millions because of reintroduction programs.
Mr. Miller said the lower take was not a reflection of a declining turkey population.
This approach worked brilliantly, and now there are wild turkey populations throughout most of the state.
The harvest, said a state wildlife biologist, Robert Eriksen, reflects a turkey population that now stands at 12,000 to 14,000.
In 1973 the total U.S. population was estimated to be 1.3 million, and current estimates place the entire wild turkey population at 7 million individuals.
New York now has stable, self-sustaining wild turkey populations in virtually all suitable habitat.
Hard winters do not reduce turkey populations as much as cold, wet springs.
Alabama's turkey population is so profuse that hunters are permitted to shoot one gobbler a day.
He maintains that the turkey population needs thinning out.
After the 19th and early 20th century wild turkey populations dropped significantly because of hunting and habitat loss.
After being hunted to near extinction, the country's wild turkey population is now in the millions because of reintroduction programs.
Mr. Miller said the lower take was not a reflection of a declining turkey population.
This approach worked brilliantly, and now there are wild turkey populations throughout most of the state.
The harvest, said a state wildlife biologist, Robert Eriksen, reflects a turkey population that now stands at 12,000 to 14,000.
In 1973 the total U.S. population was estimated to be 1.3 million, and current estimates place the entire wild turkey population at 7 million individuals.
New York now has stable, self-sustaining wild turkey populations in virtually all suitable habitat.
Hard winters do not reduce turkey populations as much as cold, wet springs.
Alabama's turkey population is so profuse that hunters are permitted to shoot one gobbler a day.
He maintains that the turkey population needs thinning out.