CAN anything now be done to turn the tide in Serbia, or Iraq?
It is obvious that the war has turned Iraq into the world's most effective terrorist training camp, perhaps more dangerous than Afghanistan under the Taliban.
We have lost interest in Afghanistan because we are too busy trying to turn Iraq into Japan.
Winning the peace, and turning Iraq from tyranny to democracy, may be more difficult than waging the war.
It would not have been able to turn Iraq into an American protectorate, which is as good a term as any for a colony.
If there is a moment for turning Iraq around, it will have passed by the time the next president is inaugurated in January.
The president led the public to underestimate the time it would take to turn Iraq into a stable democracy and the likely cost in money and blood.
"These people turned Iraq into a 'massgrave-istan' by the scale of their crimes."
Saddam Hussein promised to turn Iraq into a shining example of progress in the third world.
We'll put together a coalition that will turn Iraq around while you and I are still in office.