The dancers often turned belligerent, kicking and punching at the air.
Dam Proposal Shelved Some owners turned belligerent and vowed not to leave.
The young woman's relatives are by no means the only ones to have turned belligerent.
Why would the man turn belligerent toward you?
Hartog exclaimed, suddenly turning belligerent as he stepped right up, peering moistly into Picard's face.
Craig Miller, the lighting designer, created a separate glowing place for each of them in which they could assert themselves without turning belligerent.
I didn't really want company, but it was safer this way--if the Morlocks turned belligerent with liquor, she'd be in trouble on her own.
But there's no assurance that an economically strangled North Korea would welcome inspectors or shut down its nuclear program, and it might turn belligerent.
The woman turned belligerent, but Mrs. Blake stood her ground.
Sometimes, bargain hunting at auctions can turn belligerent.