These new cells, however, are abnormal and have the potential to turn cancerous.
In some cases the lesions turn cancerous, usually after many years.
Growths can then be removed before they turn cancerous.
It takes 15 years or fewer for a polyp to turn cancerous.
Moles are perfectly normal, but they can turn cancerous, so you need to watch that yours doesn't grow or change color.
Most polyps remain benign, but some have the potential to turn cancerous.
When the first cell turns black and cancerous?
Towards the end of 1965, he developed a sore on his forehead, which turned cancerous.
If any of those proteins is disrupted, a cell can turn cancerous, the researchers propose.
I'm told the cells could turn cancerous, so I must report for check-ups every two to four months for the rest of my life.