Its position on the River Medway (which was in turn fed by a series of tributaries) allowed goods to be transported in and out of the town quickly for trade.
For instance, there was a water source, an artesian well that was in turn fed from a deep spring, from which the farmhouse pumps got their water.
A document was placed inside a wooden box which was in turn fed to Tarrare.
The center antenna was always powered, while the other two were switched on and off in turn, fed from a common signal.
The 275-gallon tanks on the upper floors feed the generators and are in turn fed by larger underground tanks.
They were served by ammunitions storage lockers in the base of each gun pit, which were in turn fed by large electric hoists from underground ammunition dumps.
These associations run a multiple-division league structure of their own, and are in turn fed by teams from county or sub-regional hockey associations or leagues.
However, the lake is in turn fed by a number of smaller streams.