I had lost his train of thought and turned helplessly to Sponer.
He turned to the men and held up his hands helplessly.
He turned helplessly upwards through the sky, reached the peak of a parabola, paused and then started to fall again.
Miss Latterly turned helplessly, and began to walk away.
He turned helplessly to Frank Tieri, who sat in on the meeting.
Again, the elf gave Danica an incredulous look, then turned helplessly to her bare, as she saw it, shoulder.
Elephant gestured with both hands, looked confused, turned helplessly toward me.
When fly balls went into the air, the players turned helplessly, as if caught in the whirl of dust devils.
He turned helplessly to the open doorway, to the serpent-red eyes gleaming-lunging for it.
Blackthorne turned helplessly as the shoji of his room blew out.