But the 33-year-old executive saw a chance to turn the potentially negative circumstances into a positive development.
The department store's building was turned into a mixed-use development of loft apartments and retail spaces.
But he said it could turn into "a positive development" if it moves the dispute into court and off the street.
It is to be turned into a mixed-use development and a park within the next decades).
The site has since been turned into a commercial and residential development.
The lake and surrounding property were turned into a private residential development.
Ayala plans to turn the property into a mixed-use development.
The landowners Herefordshire Council were against demolishing the ground and turning it into a retail development.
Now I pass there, and the place where I dreamed of dragons is turning into a development.
Similar plans are being drawn up in Tofino, where developers are hoping to turn a 215-acre former campground along the water into a luxury-home development.