His tattered clothing was soaked through, and his fingers were turning numb.
Two pairs of fisherman's socks were not enough to save her toes from turning numb.
In that time many buyers drifted away and the market turned numb.
She almost screamed out in pain, but soon the waves abated and her foot just started to throb, then turn numb.
Though a wet suit kept my body reasonably well insulated, my exposed hands were freezing and turning numb.
Her words cut him now as they did then, and his heart twisted in his chest, his arm turned numb.
She had overcome a five-stroke deficit to Mallon, yet her fingers were turning numb now.
In his presence, something within her turned numb.
It is fashionable to say issues have died and people are apathetic, but it may be more accurate to say they turn numb.
The water from the tap is icy and our fingers turn numb.