Upon his return to Bushmills, the people of the town and district turned out in force to welcome him home, including the Macnaghten household.
Thousands of people turned out, from international journalists to local citizens, including women and children, dressed in their Sunday best.
Or the father and two children turned out in impeccable 30's style, including the children's play car.
It turned out to be several small useful utensils folded into a handle, including a spoon.
People from all over the city turned out to bid farewell to this beloved priest, including many non-Catholics.
What is not yet known is whether users of the substance will turn out to include high-profile athletes from other sports, including baseball and football.
Two hundred people turned out to bury the young soldier, including the local mayor and the American consul.
A total of 2,500 people turned out to see him, including 1,500 who paid $25 each to attend the rally.
More than 200 people turned out, including some Bush supporters who came out of curiosity.
But thousands of raucous fans turned out for today's gold medal game, including at least one person wearing a kilt.