If you have left the butter out for more than a few days, smell it before using to make sure it has not turned rancid.
I have never had them turn rancid on me, but some sources claim that their shelf life is only a few months.
What was the honor in going on with the killing when it had all turned pointless and rancid?
A major reason the marriage has turned rancid is that Antoine feels himself less than an equal partner.
Lou spat out the words as if they had turned rancid in her mouth.
"The air in this place has turned a trifle rancid."
"People don't realize that nothing turns rancid faster than a pecan."
After less than a day and a half in the sun, it turns rancid and its oil loses value.
But the meat of the administration's "evidence" had already begun to turn rancid.
Now, it has turned rancid under the misery of everyday living.