With the verdict, the mood among the lawyers and the judge turned palpably solemn.
His eyes held hers, and the expression on his face turned solemn.
Morton's face turned very solemn indeed as he looked around the conference table.
When she pointed them out to Salamander, he turned solemn.
His expression turned solemn and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes deepened.
He counted 13 body bags that night, and the mood for him and his crew soon turned solemn.
As the moment turned suddenly solemn beneath the doctor's prophetic words, the men around Stiles fell silent and stopped shifting.
He'd stiffened his thin shoulders, and his expression had turned solemn.
Asked in the locker room why the team had done so well, the players turned solemn.
"So he does," acknowledged Pop, his face turning solemn.