These are in turn surrounded and supported by holders of school certificates and other qualifications.
Each house surrounded a courtyard and was in turn surrounded by a garden, while between them ran canals, having footpaths on either side.
These are in turn surrounded by a double ditch on the land portions, and also include over 100 towers in various locations.
These are in turn surrounded by a large cultivated area.
In the 1949 ceasefire agreement, the fort remained a salient under Jordanian control, which was in turn surrounded by a perimeter of no man's land.
This is in turn surrounded by an earthen bank.
This is in turn surrounded by an envelope of host-cell origin.
The garden, a nature reserve, is in turn surrounded by rain forest and mountains.
This is in turn surrounded by a ring of low-hills that are predominantly covered by fenites.
This plaque is decorated with panels of enamel, in turn surrounded by 655 encrusted garnets.