Originally, they turned with the angle of the sun throughout the day to allow more indirect light into the building.
There are several twists and turns throughout the story.
Kay turned his managerial eye to several other up-and-coming bands throughout the rest of the 80s and early 90s.
As she became a scholar, she turned her attention to fish and their evolution throughout the millennia.
After Alaena had asked a few questions, she turned the talk to his travels throughout the country.
All eyes turned toward it in terror and word spread quickly throughout the courtyard that something was happening.
Slowly the men turned and disappeared throughout the ship.
Families turn to Riley Hospital and its regional clinics throughout the state for treatment more than 220,000 times each year.
It is impossible to try to turn the tide throughout an entire region by applying just one uniform policy.
When summer comes around, they grow a new set of leaves which are bigger and more round that turn a copper-rose early fall throughout winter.