Jondra froze, staring at him, then turned unsteadily away.
Instinct told her to find somewhere to lie up, so she turned unsteadily into the shelter of the trees.
The poet wiped at his mustache and turned unsteadily, doing his best to keep from collapsing.
The drunks turned unsteadily around, and I raced into the darkness.
The stranger turned unsteadily and looked around the silent room.
Will turned unsteadily, uncertain whether to trust his knees.
The red-faced man turned unsteadily, fishing a cigar lighter out of his pocket.
Then she released his hand and he slowly backed away, unsteadily turned, and headed off in silence.
Her face only began to crumple before she remembered not to look upset and turned unsteadily to climb the stairs.
He turned unsteadily, and went back to sit down beside Hazel.