The sign was obviously a turnaround point for her.
She walked back to the turnaround point, then came forward again.
Talia was shivering long before she reached her turnaround point, and not just from cold.
We are at the halfway turnaround point, Miss Ariel.
It was maybe the turnaround point of the game.
From their turnaround point, there's still a 15-minute hike on a rough path to see the ice.
All in all, it was a tough turnaround point in the game.
This was the end of the road, the turnaround point.
It also had the advantage of a swimming hole five miles in, which we thought would be a nice turnaround point.
Another 21 teams are running half the course, a 250-mile trail that ends at Holland Lake, the turnaround point for the longer race.