Guns were coming from carriers beneath Balliol's tuxedo coat.
He was carrying his tuxedo coat.
He shoved Colin backward and wrenched away the tuxedo coat.
The Shadow saw the bare table, with the discarded tuxedo coat beside it.
He was still wearing his tuxedo coat with the green lapels, but it was shredded vow.
Uncle Jingle did a little dance of pleasure, his long tuxedo coat flapping.
He thrust his right into the packet of his tuxedo coat.
Then Margo recalled how Branford had appeared in a tuxedo coat, only to leave a short while later.
His right, going to the pocket of his tuxedo coat, was drawing the revolver that Messler had given him.
For evening there were one-button tuxedo coats worn over black velvet and satin minidresses.