The secret, you know, is tuxedo pants.
Guerrero defeated Rios after arriving at ringside in a 1957 Chevrolet, even wrestling in his tuxedo pants and a bow tie.
"They try to wear tuxedo pants the same way they wear a pair of jeans," he said.
"I'm more into wearing a tank undershirt with a beautiful skirt, or maybe with tuxedo pants and high heels," she said.
From under the table, I pulled out the Nordstrom's shopping bag holding the balled-up tuxedo pants.
"All tuxedo pants seem to have been cut the same way for 50 years," he says.
He wore his shabby tuxedo pants and graying shirt with dignity.
"You look like you're wearing a big diamond yourself," she said, staring at the front of his tuxedo pants.
Larry the crab scuttles in wearing hiked-up tuxedo pants and sneakers stripped of their laces.
We had the champagne, the tuxedo pants, matching hairs from his beard.