Dor looked up and saw the Indian man leading in a tweedy young man with bushy red hair and glasses.
Through the coffeehouse's front window, Nellie Jacobs watched a tweedy man come out of the cobbler's shop across the street.
The tweedy man crossed the street, heading her way.
The diminutive, tweedy man sat with a sports roster on his lap outside the sports field between the grade and high schools.
He was a tweedy man, with rough-chopped hair and a blotchy complexion, younger than Miss Lavender liked a professional man to be.
He's a tweedy slope-shouldered middle-aged man with a gray widow's peak and large bifocals.
A tweedy man who looked as if he lived there seemed to have the same idea.
Most American of youea8the tweedy man said, and confronted the women.
There was no sign of anyone resembling the tweedy man that phoned.
The tweedy man seemed satisfied with the reply.