According to Sky Television, the show marked the start of their biggest investment in British comedy during Sky1's twenty-year history.
Originally founded and edited by film maker Bey Logan, 241 issues were published during its twenty-year history.
In consequence, the Red Wings missed the playoffs only once in their twenty-year history.
Toni Jerrman has been the editor of the magazine throughout its twenty-year history.
And for the first time in the twenty-year history of St Christopher's, a priest laughed in the pulpit.
In 2008 the commercial was chosen as the best ad in the twenty-year history of the Ad Meter poll.
During its twenty-year history, most of those weapons had been fired at the base.
This year for the first time in our twenty-year history, there have been some thefts.
However, a magazine with a twenty-year history and a loyal readership shouldn't simply disappear overnight.
The microenterprise field has a twenty-year history in the United States.