India twice sought consular access to Dr Haneef.
Indian government twice sought his extradition from the UK in 1992 and 1993.
But the law center was disappointed in the state's performance when it came to preschool students and twice sought court intervention to force the state to do more.
She has also twice unsuccessfully sought a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
He twice sought assistance from the king by traveling to Warsaw, only to find him either unwilling or powerless to confront the will of a magnate.
Earlier, however, in 1982, Doris Croteau twice sought protection-from-abuse orders against her husband.
They also twice sought to stop the custody transfer.
After leading a much-publicized investigation into organized crime in the early 1950s, he twice sought his party's nomination for President of the United States.
Mr. Jackson, who twice sought the Democratic Presidential nomination, said, "Democrats must not be quiet or indecisive in this period."
Zarqawi did not identify himself with bin Laden nor swear allegiance to him until October 2004, although he did twice seek financial support from al-Qaeda.