This one was covered with the skeletons of trees, like the dark bones of some twisted creature.
In its icy, black depths dwell strange and twisted creatures it is best not to disturb.
You have caused me to love you, poor twisted creature that I am!
Even more so, from the twisted creatures that flourish in the Eye.
You almost have to admire that twisted creature out there.
But they had all over time changed into twisted creatures of evil.
He didn't seem human, that glaring, twisted creature who sprang in to block the girl's flight.
The hope was what twisted a twisted creature more cruelly and brought this horror.
Arousing, like those strange paintings of twisted creatures she had once seen at a foreign merchant's stall on the road to Janakpuri.
She needed to pin a lace and a name on the twisted creature stalking the streets of Savannah.