The flat Marais is a landscape dominated by silhouettes, whether of the staunch stone windmills on the bluffs, or of the twisted pines and graceful fisheries along the coast.
Small dunes rose behind them, backed by the twisted pines and scrub oak of the island's tiny maritime forest.
Alexandra stared up at the piece of mural nearest her, which showed a rocky little headland, some twisted pines, a stretch of white sand lapped by azure waves.
The twisted pines loomed up ahead of him through the fog, deformed giants making threatening gestures with their misshapen arms: Go away, you have been wanted!
Winding his way through the rocky passes and gorges between twisted pines and brush, he came to what the people of Khitai believed to be the end of the civilized world.
The twisted pines, bark scabbed with patches of gray lichen, were faded, and the tall larches were dark and sagged heavily from their burden of snow.
Scrub trees replaced the tall grass, dwarf oaks and oddly twisted pines.
They moved among the twisted pines in twilight, and went carefully.
Morgaine was helped down first, her ankles freed, and she was made fast against one of the few twisted pines that grew this near the Gate.
The citizens are very proud of Ritsurin Park, with its bizarre twisted pines and strangely shaped boulders.