How does Brad Pitt score in two-child families?
Other charts would show the cost of disabled children as opposed to healthy ones, or show how two-child families threatened the birthrate.
These studies show us that many of the families who successfully parent hard to place children are not conventional, middle-class, two-child families.
Three of the four equally probable events for a two-child family in the sample space above meet the condition:
A two-child family earning $10,000 a year can get $3,500 a year from the Federal tax credit and about $500 from a similar state program.
Children from two-child families were slightly more interested in group activities like team sports.
Starting in the 1870s, average family size had declined from five or six children to today's two-child family within 60 years (figure 2.7).
Second babies have been least affected by the squeeze on fertility - the two-child family is more popular than ever.
Even in 1971, with one-child and large families more scarce, only 44 per cent of families were two-child families.
It is only now, in the late 1980s, that half of all completed families will be two-child families (table 4.8).