Many Germans were killed in the two-day battle that followed.
The two-day battle was very costly with over 40,000 fatalities.
The plan only worked for four years; in 1779 the fortress was captured by the British after a two-day battle.
At the end of the day aid agencies claimed that in the two-day battle 31 people had been killed and many more wounded.
Chinese estimates of French casualties during the two-day battle amounted to over 1,100 dead.
The two countries have clashed over the disputed stretch ever since, including a two-day military battle in 1981.
The 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry suffered 14 men killed and another 48 wounded in the two-day battle.
The two-day battle cemented Ojibwe control over the area.
The result was a two-day bloody battle in which the British and Greeks suffered a heavy defeat.
In a two-day running battle, the Zulu inflicted a resounding defeat on their opponents.