Upon election, judges now attend a six-day training course, and every year they take a two-day advanced class on courtroom procedure and the basics of new laws.
St. Louis County security officer training is a two-day class and yearly renewal class.
A two-day intensive class on July 29 and 30, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., will teach participants hanga, a Japanese woodcut technique.
She and the others had come to Jackson Hole for a two-day class to find out what to do.
The Manor on Golden Pond in Holderness, N.H., has a two-day class this weekend on maple syrup cooking (800-545-2141, www.manorongoldenpond.com; packages for two start at $600).
Tuition is $125 to $225 for two-day classes and $230 to $265 for five days.
One-day classes cost €50, two-day classes €80 and an intensive six-day course costs €200.
One- and two-day classes, run mainly spring to late summer, are $265 to $619.
Weekly fees, two-day classes, $79; three-day classes, $89, and four-day classes, $99.
Eagle Paragliding in Santa Barbara, Calif. (805-968-0980; www.eagleparagliding.com),offers one- and two-day introductory classes beginning at $200.