Jim Wilson wore a two-day growth of beard and it didn't seem to bother him at all.
Between the two-day growth of beard and the ruined suit he looked pretty unkempt.
His face was textured with a two-day growth of whiskers.
Shortly before 4 that afternoon, two men arrived, one with hair down to his shoulders and what appeared to be a two-day growth of beard.
He had a two-day growth of stubble on his face and a nose that had been broken several times in the past.
Under the club's rules, players can't have even a two-day growth.
His broad face sported what could have been a two-day growth of beard, although from experience, Jack knew it was only one.
He had a two-day growth of stubble on his face, as did his companion.
His cheeks were prickly with a two-day growth of beard that made him look like a cactus.