Mr. Cetkovic took the stand in the two-day trial and said his action was part of a suicide plot.
This latter fight led to a two-day trial and Hamblin's conviction in February 1837.
During the two-day trial, a zoologist and a representative of the blender manufacturer said the fish probably died within a second.
Prosecutors called eight witnesses during the two-day trial.
He was acquitted in January 2001 after a two-day trial.
At the conclusion of the two-day trial, in February 1936 the jury found him guilty of murder.
The conviction, after only a few hours' deliberation in the two-day trial, drew sighs of relief from the authorities.
In his defense at the two-day trial, his lawyer said the tax return had been signed by someone impersonating him.
It was announced that she had been charged with common assualt, denied the charges and would face a two-day trial on 8 July 2013.