All that decorative clutter helps modulate the transition from large-scale, three-dimensional space to diminutive, two-dimensional paintings.
Even today, Japanese visitors to his studio prefer his two-dimensional paintings to the multi-textured, mixed-media collages favored by American art buyers.
Another software developed for this movie was Faux Plane which was used to add depth to flat two-dimensional painting.
Q. How do you interpret a two-dimensional painting to a blind person?
A familiarity with the television show helps the player, as in one instance, the player must hide inside a two-dimensional painting to escape a villain.
Blue Eagle gained worldwide fame during his lifetime, and his two-dimensional paintings hang in private and public galleries all over the world.
These paper artworks take the forms of two-dimensional and three-dimensional paintings and sculptures.
Just as he refuses to undersell his players, Stoops is not ready to be deified beyond a few two-dimensional paintings by the Oklahoma faithful.
"I call them constructions because they are a combination of two-dimensional painting and three-dimensional sculpture," she said.
If you have ever seen a large headless alien step out of a two-dimensional painting, this was exactly like that... only better, because it was happening to me.