To the delight of his collectors', Winkler's versatility extends beyond two-dimensional works.
If the two-dimensional works had been selected as discerningly, the whole annual might have been a terrific exhibition.
The award is aimed at encouraging creativity in two-dimensional works.
Emphasis on sculpture: African artists tend to favor three-dimensional artworks over two-dimensional works.
With so much sculpture to contend with, the two-dimensional works have a hard time making themselves felt.
This is regrettable if understandable, for a shortage of walls here makes showing two-dimensional works a challenge.
Although most renowned for her ceramic sculptures, Frey also created a significant body of two-dimensional works that have been widely exhibited.
Generally, the two-dimensional works are paintings in opaque watercolor on cotton or silk.
He specializes in three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional works.
Modello, unlike the other terms, is also used for sketches for two-dimensional works such as paintings.