CBS is up by 200 percent or more among younger viewers in that two-hour block over its performance last year.
Initially, new episodes ran on Wednesday nights as a two-hour block, then were cut to one hour per week.
Marsha scheduled two-hour blocks of time twice a month for paperwork.
Roulette Nation aired in the two-hour block for around 30 minutes.
Tickets: for a two-hour block, $25; $15 for students and the elderly.
But this month the program and the rest of a two-hour block of Jewish programming was canceled without notice.
With game shows like 'Millionaire' you can tune in for 15 minutes instead of committing to a two-hour block.
By contrast, a two-hour block that includes a newsmagazine and a dramatic series may cost the network $1.8 million.
He swam six to eight hours a day in two-hour blocks, stopping to eat and rest on a sailboat.
Currently a two-hour block of paid programming airs in that same slot.