The show's first version, broadcast in 2004, aired on Friday nights and was a more than two-hour event.
Admission at Cowtown is $10 for adults and $5 for children for the two-hour event.
Most charge $220 to $330 a person for a two-hour event.
The two-hour event was only half over.
"I spent two days with Texas Rangers and advance staff for a two-hour event," he said.
The two-hour event does indeed end with Pergolesi's music.
Participants have also been surprised by the contents of the two-hour events.
Thirty minutes into the two-hour event, the Archers were cut short for the second time that day.
Originally the series finale was planned as a two-hour event.
CBS will broadcast the two-hour event the next day, and later it will play in some 20 countries.