Rangers lead daily two-hour hikes for many levels; snowshoes are rented for $3 a pair.
It was a grueling two-hour hike to the top, made worse by howling winds.
"It's a two-hour hike into the target," Murdock told those awake.
Gaoshan had no electricity and was a two-hour hike from the nearest dirt road.
Most trails are moderate, and the longest is four miles, about a two-hour hike.
Alternatively, the pass can be reached by a two-hour dramatic hike on foot.
Then we take a two-hour hike through the surrounding woods.
A half-hour flight and a two-hour hike still lay ahead of them, and sunset was only seven hours away.
The camp leader took the young boys on a two-hour hike around the lake.
"We've got a two-hour hike ahead of us."