However, twice a month the woman had simply blocked out a two-hour lunch.
A 20-minute coffee with him is more rewarding than a two-hour lunch with most ministers.
In some smaller towns and in the south of France, the two-hour lunch may still be customary.
Edgar was always going off to look at real estate, taking two-hour lunches to go to closings.
"We actually had a two-hour lunch recently and didn't mention Lincoln Center once," she said.
Ray preferred one hour over coffee, as opposed to a two-hour lunch or an even longer dinner, but he was the guest.
So far, the two-hour lunch has not been set.
The turning point came today at a spirited two-hour lunch that Senate Republicans held in a private caucus room.
French models are also less willing to work grueling hours, the article said; and, of course, they absolutely have to take a two-hour lunch.
The reporter wrote that he took a two-hour lunch and three "10-minute" breaks that each lasted half an hour.