I crossed the finish line a little after the two-hour mark.
The new long-playing tapes appear to have overcome these limitations, though none quite reach the two-hour mark.
This time, just after the two-hour mark, the screen caught a blip.
Some Western reporters walked out as the news conference rounded the two-hour mark still rich with encomiums and easy questions from the floor.
By the two-hour mark, however, her body temperature had risen almost ten degrees, and her heart began to beat.
Normally, a game might be in the fifth inning at the two-hour mark.
At the two-hour mark, 39% of the patients who used the real machine were pain free, compared with just 22% using the sham treatment device.
As the show ambles past the two-hour mark, its episodic story line becomes a liability.
At the two-hour mark, Hackenschmidt was forced against the ropes.
Scheduled for 78 laps but stopped after two-hour mark.