The crowd was treated to a nearly two-hour performance, including two encores.
"Know who you are," the comedian tells his audience toward the end of a genial, rambling, two-hour performance.
The regular fee, the list price for a full, two-hour performance, is $7,000, the same amount the choir pays the city for monthly rent.
A half-hour into a two-hour performance, the rains came.
The audience, a mixture of young and old, sits through the two-hour performances barely emitting a cough or whisper.
"So I always laugh when actors say how grueling a two-hour performance is, because teachers do five shows a day."
But the musicians will be paid $200 for each two-hour performance.
It's a two-hour performance, with an intermission long enough to buy a candy bar for $2.75, which appeases two children.
During the two-hour Jan. 16 performance, the audience appeared to be in a state of passive resistance and overall befuddlement.
For $5,500, a church, civic or charity group can select a two-hour performance from among four programs: classical, pops, special seasonal and young people's concerts.