Returning from a day in the country recently, I stopped for coffee at the Hopewell Junction service area, the only one on my two-hour stretch of road.
In one bleak two-hour stretch, Mr. Merajuddin, on the northeast corner of the intersection, saw only four customers.
To ensure they kept on the move, Gazli rotated his men, giving each of them a two-hour stretch behind the wheel.
The dinner hours were one of those; be-cause the mess deck was open between 1700 and 1900, everyone who wanted to eat that night had to grab a bite during that two-hour stretch.
The dozen men from the First Marine Division E Battery 212 go on foot patrol near the stadium for two-hour stretches, running for cover in open spaces or hugging walls of buildings.
He'd been giving up his place at the table for maybe two-hour stretches, and he'd grab quick catnaps back in one of the corners.
MXDO, a local station in Dorchester, was coming on the air at eight-thirty, after a two-hour silent stretch.
Although standing up slows production, it gives her relief from two-hour stretches of sitting at a computer terminal, and, she says, "It's a way to show I'm a person."
I never appreciated the demands and rewards of child care until I started doing it solo - and not just for two-hour stretches on a weekend while my wife was running errands.
She keeps up this pace for two-hour stretches, punctuated by 10-minute breaks and 30 minutes for lunch.