In Growing Together, five two-hour mother-daughter workshops were held to foster communication about sexuality and other sensitive issues.
Her group organizes several education programs for Broadway producers, providing a two-hour workshop, hot lunch and ticket for $60.
In addition to the evening performances (there are about five a night), you can attend daily two-hour workshops, led by participating musicians.
In each two-hour workshop, they visit a museum gallery, then go to a studio to create work based on what they have seen.
A two-hour workshop on buying and maintaining a home will be held from 6 to 8 P.M. next Tuesday, April 12.
She also teaches a two-hour writing workshop at the group's monthly meeting.
Many of the concerns voiced during the two-hour workshop focused on rebellious teenagers.
The event will start with a two-hour workshop in which the children will receive costumes and learn about both astronomy and music.
The first hour is taken up by informal conversation, followed by a two-hour workshop on subjects like stress management and setting goals.
Growing Together involves five two-hour mother-daughter workshops designed to foster communications about sexuality and other sensitive issues.