Hugh agreed and offered his services on any two-man job.
Harry paused, realizing that it might be more than a two-man job.
Wielding the anchor wasn't a difficult two-man job, but it was a clumsy task.
Sailing a clumsy raft was at best a two-man job, and tacking took muscle.
Feeding the capsule through the doorway was a two-man job.
But I need you, Vetch, because this is a two-man job.
This is a two-man job of work since you need one to hold the ferret securely while the other ties the knots.
Even the easy part, going up there and liberating the damned thing, would be more than a two-man job.
What has not been explained is why it has suddenly become a two-man job under the new, more costly contract.
It is definitely a two-man job and it is the kind of thing that has taken a long time to develop in our area.